Regular maintenance of your garage door system will help to ensure that it continues to work the way that it should. One of the most important reasons to call our team for preventative garage door maintenance is to check for rust and assess whether or not lubrication is needed. This is important for many components of your door system - regularly lubricating your system will help ensure that your door continues to work properly well into the future.
Keep Things Quiet
Without regular maintenance, it's common for garage doors to become noisy over time. Before any lasting damage occurs, we can lubricate the tracks as part of our garage door maintenance service. This will keep your door from getting so noisy it becomes disruptive and will help to ensure the tracks are kept in good condition.
Protect the Opener
Chain drive openers need to be lubricated on a regular basis to ensure they continue to work the way that they should. You may not even realize that your opener needs to be lubricated which is why we recommend yearly visits from our professionals.
Check the Hardware
While lubricating your door, we will also check the tightness and safety of all connecting bolts, screws, and springs. By tightening anything that is too loose and lubricating anything that isn't moving correctly, we can ensure a better overall performance and extend the lifespan of your system.
Even if you don't suspect a problem now, there could be small issues lurking that could become large and costly matters to deal with in the future. Prevention is always best so if you know your system hasn't been given a once over for a while, it's time to call us at Garage Door Repair Bartlett and set up an appointment. Our technicians we'll be happy to talk to you.